Wednesday 27 November 2019

A Very Merry Christmas

Dear Friends

Once again another year is coming to an end.  It doesn’t seem very long ago that we penned our greetings to you for the year 2018 !

Our lives seem to coast along smoothly, interspersed with regular medical visits, both locally and down to Brisbane.   Ron’s health currently is up and down. The infection of lungs, liver, sinus etc is being kept under reasonable control by large doses of penicillin daily and a penicillin injection every month when he has his human immunoglobulin infusion. However, he does have regular flareups of lung and chest infections and this requires special attention. He has morphine drugs twice daily, along with drugs for nerve pain and headaches.

The immunologist told Ron a couple of weeks ago that he will be on human immunoglobulin infusions for the rest of his life. Ron is his only patient that does not respond to antibiotics and we sorted out a plan in the event he has a major flareup of infections and he should need IV antibiotics. This would be administered through Hospital In The Home. He is at risk of further infections if he is treated in a hospital.

Our visits to Brisbane for review are now six-monthly, not the 3-4 months reviews that we have had over the past nine years. The immunologist reminded us last time that Ron has been under his care for 12 years.  He continues to have his four-weekly infusion over in the Maryborough Hospital and while that is a bit of a pain travelling over there, we accept that it is essential for his well-being.

Ron has had oral lichen planus for many years and he was going to Brisbane to see and be reviewed by a maxillofacial specialist. As this is caused by his immune deficiency there is no relief from this problem, so visits to this specialist have ceased. Beryl’s diabetes continues to be under control and with several joint x-rays recently, nothing untoward showed up – must accept our aging status.

Ron continues with the JP work, with regular duty in the local shopping centre and assisting at other public JP signing places as necessary. He is still on the ministry roster at the Chapel as well as a regular worship leader. He is happy that he is able to continue this very important part of his life and giftings. 

Beryl still enjoys playing indoor and outdoor bowls and plays outdoors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; and indoors Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons.

We have had a few sad times this year, with extended family and good friends in the Village passing away. 

Beryl celebrated her 79th birthday in May, 2019, and Ron celebrated his 77th in June. Next year Beryl will be celebrating her 80th birthday, and we plan to be in New Zealand for that event and celebrate with family and friends in Palmerston North. 

We trust that all is well with yourselves and your family.

God bless you all

Love from 

Ron and Beryl